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Email Myths and Misconceptions - Part Three
This is part three in a three-part series, I talked about the misconceptions of email campaigns that can lead to ineffective strategies or missed opportunities.
Part One focused on using email campaigns, Part Two looked at deliverability, and Part Three is about maintaining good email campaign health.
Securing Your Social Media - For The Sake Of You And Others
Securing your social media accounts is not just for your benefit; it’s for the benefit of everyone around you. Tight security allows you to feel comfortable joining all the fantastic Groups that give so much joy to our lives, knowing you have done your darndest to safeguard others in them.
Email Myths and Misconceptions - Part Two
In a three-part series, I will run through several misconceptions about email campaigns that can lead to ineffective strategies or missed opportunities. Part One focused on using email campaigns, today - Part Two - looks at deliverability, and Part Three will be about maintaining good email campaign health.
Email Myths and Misconceptions - Part One
In a three-part series, I will run through several misconceptions about email campaigns that can lead to ineffective strategies or missed opportunities. Today in Part One, we focus on using email campaigns.
You Are Not A Water Bottle
The way we market our services is often “water bottling”. We have lulled ourselves into services that every bookkeeping and accounting firm provides.
But what if you engage in some navel-gazing of yourself and your firm and figure out your unique qualities?
Soar Like a Swan: Accounting Firms Taking Flight
Starting an accounting firm is a lot like watching a swan take off, only with fewer feathers and more spreadsheets.
Crunching Numbers and Boosting ROI: The Undeniable Success of Email Marketing
I have blogged for more than a few years but what is fairly new to me, is my email campaigns. I didn’t think the effort-to-outcome ratio would make it worthwhile. I didn’t have a clear enough outcome of why I would send out emails. I wasn’t sure how to bring value to subscribers. And I was worried about being intrusive to people’s inboxes. Sound like you?
Sing Your Praises To Your Clients
You don’t need to be all gloaty, but for crying out loud, let your clients know the weight you are taking off them with the services you provide.
The pain you have taken away from your clients may become their everyday expectation.
Define What You Want To Do and Who You Want To Do It With
And then buckle down to make it happen.
I am going through big changes in my business right now. And as I preach “Change is hard. Not changing will be harder.”
I have really nailed down what lifestyle I want. I think many of you may be navel-gazing right now as well. The last few years have got a lot of folks re-evaluating their lives and their work.
Know Your Audience
It will be harder to step in it, if you have a clear idea of who you are dealing with.
My Dad* is a bit of a rough & tumble guy. He wears Carhartt coveralls, a green polka-dot welder’s cap and is generally a little scruffy. Clean but definitely scruffy. He looks like your average working Joe and talks like one too. He loves a good convo about backhoes and tractors while sitting at a bar with buddies.
Who Doesn’t Love a One-Liner?
What is the definition of an accountant?
Someone who solves a problem you did not know you had in a way you don’t understand.
Now back to the real purpose of this note…
Next week I am leading a session on branding and marketing for accounting professionals with the Dext Academy.
Last week I suggested some homework for it - visualizing your best you and what you want your business to look like.
Building Authentic Customer Testimonials
Zapier is one of the most versatile apps, and their blog is one of my “must follows.”
Building authentic customer testimonials is a key driver for increasing your business.
But it is no small feat. This article from Zapier is solid advice that you can action smoothly and quickly.
You Are Already Trusted. Now Become a Trusted Advisor.
Bookkeeper’s and accountants are at the forefront of advising SMBs. We are already trusted.